Thanos Gauntlet

‘Avengers Endgame’ fans: Google ‘Thanos’ and click the gauntlet for a fun surprise

If you are among the millions of fans pumped about “Avengers Endgame,” stop what you’re doing and head to Google search.

That’s where you’ll find a fun treat hidden in search results when you type “Thanos,” the primary villain in the series of films part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

After you type “Thanos,” you’ll reach results which include the Infinity Gauntlet, a golden glove with gems, sitting on the right side of the page.

When you click on it, the gauntlet snaps its fingers and half of the search results disappear. The easter egg is a nod to 2018’s “Avengers Infinity War,” during which Thanos snaps his fingers to eliminate half of all living beings in the universe. 

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